HW 8 Reading Questions
As part of your homework grade, you are required to answer the following questions about this medium article.
Reading Questions
  • What is something you learned from this article? (3-4 sentences)

    From this article, I learned about dark patterns and their effects on users. I found it interesting that the article was arguing that dark patterns are deceptive towards users, leading them to do things that they don't want to do. The ethics of dark patterns/designs is also an interesting conversation that ties into some of the other articles that we read in previous labs.

  • What was your favorite part of this article? (3-4 sentences)

    My favorite part of this article was reading and seeing the history/evolution of dark patterns. This illustrates the chronology of the patterns and how their impact is historical. The use of different instances and examples in design make it handy for me to understand its effects.

  • Copy and paste a quote you found compelling, interesting, or cool

    As Steve Fisher at the Generate NY 2017 conference said, “ Find a way to help the vulnerable around you. If you have privilege, use it for good.”

  • On a scale from 1 to 10, how much did you enjoy reading this article? If you scored below a five, please briefly explain why.

    I'd rate this article a 7/10. I found the discussion interesting and I enjoyed the inclusion of examples that highlight the effects on the use of the patterns to be impactful.