HW 6 Reading Questions
As part of your homework grade, you are required to answer the following questions about this medium article.
Reading Questions
  • What is something you learned from this article? (3-4 sentences)

    From this article, I learned about the proper use of animation in user experience (ux). Knowing the proper duration for animations is important because it needs to appeal to users while also being decipherable. The general rule of thumb is that depending on the device that the users are using, the duration of the animation should be adjusted accordingly.

  • What was your favorite part of this article? (3-4 sentences)

    My favorite part of this article was seeing the diagram of animations in relation to their duration. Seeing how 100ms/200ms correlated to fading hover effects and 300ms-500ms as large moves was interesting. Prior to reading, I had no idea that there was Material Design Guidelines, which recommends animation durations for mobile devices (also including tablets.)

  • Copy and paste a quote you found compelling, interesting, or cool

    "Numerous researches have discovered that optimal speed for interface animation is between 200 and 500 ms"

  • On a scale from 1 to 10, how much did you enjoy reading this article? If you scored below a five, please briefly explain why.

    I rate this article a 7/10 as it's a solid read with helpful visuals for learning.