HW 3 Reading Questions
As part of your homework grade, you are required to answer the following questions about this medium article.
Reading Questions
  • What is something you learned from this article? (3-4 sentences)

    From this article, I learned that identifying the purpose of your design is the 1st essential step. The allignment between typography and purpose is also interesting in what makes a "good" design since it can help set a mood and tone. The font inspiration resources was pretty informative too since I wasn't aware that there was a vast database for fonts.

  • What was your favorite part of this article? (3-4 sentences)

    I enjoyed how thorough this article was in terms of dissecting what goes into typography. My favorite part of this article is the font breakdown. I was fascinated with the different recommended fonts by the intended audience/project.

  • Copy and paste a quote you found compelling, interesting, or cool

    "Choose fonts that are conventional and easy to read. Avoid highly decorative fonts in favor of simple and practical fonts. Also, be mindful of the purpose of a font. For example, some fonts are more suited to be headers rather than body text. For this reason, before choosing a font, research its intended purpose."

  • On a scale from 1 to 10, how much did you enjoy reading this article? If you scored below a five, please briefly explain why.

    I'd rate this article a 7/10. It was an informative read with some nice examples to clarify what is being explained.